
5 Ways to Optimize a Website for Voice Search

Voice Search

As we know Voice Search is one of the SEO trends in 2018, it is becoming more popular year by year and it is predicted that it would reach 50% of search by 2019. Checkout our post on 6 SEO Trends in 2018 for more details.   Here are the six ways to Optimize your website for Voice Search to get more traffic and potential customers.

Conversational Language:

Voice Search is a more natural approach to communicate with a search engine, as users will probably use full sentences and questions as voice commands. Google and Bing keep on adapting their web crawlers to understand the questions and the sentences from users that they naturally speak and day to day conversational words. It is evaluated that almost 70% of requests are made through normal or conversational language. Accordingly, the utilization of keywords starting with ‘who’, ‘how’ ‘what’ or ‘where’ keep on rising.

Long-Tail Keywords:

Long-tail Keywords are longer and more user specific phrases that visitors use to search for data on the web. These expressions commonly comprise of at least four words or even more. Visitors who use long-tail keywords are possibly more significant to your business, as they are high-expectation and know precisely what they are searching for on the web. Actually, long-tail keywords can yield 2.5 times more conversions than short-tail keywords. Using long-tail keywords in your site can help you in succeed in voice search.

FAQ Content:

Making a page of FAQ questions can be a great voice search strategy. A FAQs segment on your site will developing trust with your users, reducing the burden of googling, it also encourages users to proceed down the path of questions.

Local SEO:

An expected 22% of visitors using voice search are searching for local businesses and information. Hence, it is necessary to work on Google My Business best practices. After claiming your business in Google My Business listings, and updating your profile in Google My Business profile enables individuals to discover data about your business, for example, address, opening hours and phone number, directions for the business etc. Optimizing your Local SEO can help you in local findings and building your potential customer list.

Crawlable Content:

While voice search is new SEO strategy, you must not forget basics of SEO. Keep in mind that whatever the content you have ready to publish, make it optimize for SEO so that you can rank high in search engine result pages and get potential customers. An essential thought is to ensure that all your content is ‘crawlable’, i.e. web crawlers can precisely index all the pages in your website. Therefore, it is essential to apply SEO best practices to the page structure, titles and alt text labels for image tags, meta tags etc.

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