Production release of Angular 7 is out! Checkout new features!

Added on
- October 19, 2018 by
- Admin
The production release of Angular 7 is released yesterday evening. Angular is Google’s popular JavaScript framework for building mobile and desktop applications. Although Angular is most popular framework of JavaScript, it is widely used in Web Applications. It is most JavaScript framework used after ReactJS
Angular provides dependency injection, particularly useful for assembling data services for applications, along with use of an HTML template to compose components. In Angular, developers still compose components with an HTML component that connects to TypeScript code for imperative parts of the program.
The following are the features in the Angular 7
- Application performance has been improved by automatically adding or removing the reflect metadata polyfill, making applications smaller in production.
- With the CLI Prompts capability, the Angular CLI can prompt users to help them make decisions. The ng newcapability asks if users want to add routing and what type of styles to use, while ng add @angular/materialasks users what theme they want and if they want gestures or animations.
- The CLI documentation has been integrated into the main docs.
- Virtual Scrolling: now the Angular Material library includes virtual scrolling, which allows scrolling through a large list of elements without having to render everything to the browser
- Default bundle budgets have been introduced; they will warn users when applications exceed 2MB. There will be an error if the initial bundle exceeds 5MB.
- Drag and Drop: this feature is now available through Angular Material
- For Angular Materialand the CDK (Component Dev Kit), Angular 7 features visual improvements from the Material Design 2018 refresh as well as virtual scrolling, for dynamically loading and unloading parts of the DOM to build high-performing, large lists of data. Also, applications can be fitted with a drag-and-drop capability.
- Angular Elements components now support content projection via slots.
- Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc): This compiler will convert node_modules compiled with ngc, into node_modules which appear to have been compiled with ngtsc. This conversion will allow such “legacy” packages to be used by the Ivy rendering engine.
To upgrade to Angular 7, here is the needed command: ng update @angular/cli @angular/core