Best Open Source Security Testing Tools To Test Your Application

Added on
- September 21, 2018 by
- Admin
There are a number of paid and free web applications security testing tools available in the market. Here, we will discuss the top 11 open source security testing tools for web applications.
Wapiti is one of the efficient web application security testing tools that allow you to assess the security of your web applications. It performs ‘black box testing,’ to check the web applications for possible vulnerability. During the testing process, it scans the web pages and injects the testing data to check for the security lapse. Supporting the GET and POST HTTP attacks, Wapiti identifies various types of vulnerabilities, such as:
- File disclosure
- Database Injection
- XSS injection
- Command Execution detection
- CRLF Injection
- XXE injection
- Potentially dangerous files
- Weak .htaccess configurations that is easy to bypass
- Backup files giving disclose
Wapiti is a command-line application which is hard for beginners but easy for experts. The software requires complete knowledge of commands.
Zed Attack Proxy
Popularly known as ZAP, the Zed Attack Proxy is an open source, developed by OWASP. Supported by Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS, ZAP enables you to find a variety of security vulnerabilities in web apps, even during the development and testing phase. This testing tool is easy to use, even if you are a beginner in penetration testing. The key features of Zap are:
- Automatic Scanner
- Authentication support
- AJAX spiders
- Dynamic SSL certificates
- Forced Browsing
- Intercepting Proxy
- Web Socket Support
- Plug-n-hack support
- REST based API and much more.
Vega is a free open source web application testing tool. Written in JAVA, Vega comes with GUI interface. It is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It helps you:
- Find SQL injection
- Validate SQL injection
- File inclusions
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Improve security of TLS servers
The tool also allows you to set preference such as maximum and minimum requests per second, the number of path descendants and number of nodes, etc. Once supplied with proper credentials, you can use Vega as an automated scanner, for intercepting proxy and run it as a proxy scanner.
W3af is a popular web application security testing framework. Developed using Python, it offers an efficient web application penetration testing platform. This tool can be used to detect more than 200 types of security issues in web applications, including SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting. It checks for following vulnerabilities in the web-apps:
- Blind SQL injection vulnerability
- Buffer overflow vulnerability
- Multiple CORS misconfigurations
- Insecure DAV configurations
- CSRF vulnerability and much more
Available in both GUI and console interface, W3af is easy to understand. It also allows you to authenticate the website through the authentication modules.
Skipfish is a web application security testing tool that crawls the website recursively and checks each page for possible vulnerability and prepares the audit report in the end. Written in C language, Skipfish is optimized for HTTP handling and leaving minimum CPU footprints. The software claims to handle 2K requests per second, without displaying CPU footprints. Also, the tool claims to provide high-quality positives as it uses a heuristics approach during crawling and testing web apps.
The Skipfish security testing tool for web apps is available for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Ratproxy is another open source web application security testing tool which can be used to find any lapse in web applications, thereby making the app secure from any possible hacking attack. This semi-automatic testing software is supported by Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, and Windows (Cygwin) systems.
Ratproxy is optimized to overcome security audit issues that are repeatedly faced by users in other proxy systems. This testing tool easily distinguishes between CSS stylesheets and JavaScript codes.
SQLMap is a popular open source web application security testing tool that automates the process of detecting and utilizing SQL injection vulnerability in a database of the website. Packed with a variety of features, it has a powerful testing engine that enables the test to penetrate effortlessly and perform SQL injection check on a web application.
SQLMap supports a large number of database services, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server etc. Furthermore, the testing tool supports six types of SQL injection methods.
Wfuzz is another open-source tool for a web application security testing tool that is freely available on the market. Developed in Python, this testing tool is used for brute-forcing web applications. Some of the features of Wfuzz are:
- Multiple Injection points
- Output to HTML
- Cookies fuzzing
- Multi-threading
- Proxy support
- SOCK support
- Authentication support
- All parameters brute forcing (POST and GET)
- Baseline request (to filter results against)
- Brute force HTTP methods
- Multiple proxy support
- HEAD scan
- Post, headers, and authentication data brute forcing
While using WFuzz, you will have to work on command line interface as there is no GUI interface available.
Grendel-Scan is a useful open source web application security tool, designed for finding security lapse in the web apps. Available for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh, the tool is developed in Java. It comes with an automated testing module which is used for detecting vulnerabilities in web applications. Besides, the software also includes many features, especially for manual penetration testing.
Arachni is an open-source web application security testing tool designed to help penetration testers and administrators assess the security of web applications. This tool is developed to identify security lapse in web applications and make it hacker proof. Arachni can detect:
- SQL Injection
- Local File Inclusion
- Remote file inclusion
- Invalidated redirect, and many others
Arachni supports all the main operating systems, such as MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.